
Mar 1, 2014

Digital menuboard contribution in Pizza industry


10 reasons why digital menuboards are used in Pizzeria:

  1. The electronic display boards can be placed behind your cash counter or anywhere else in a pizzeria to allow customers to view food items, services, and prices with this fun and engaging new system.
  2. Digital menuboards helps in quickly changing menu items as and when needed.
  3. Changing prices is made so easy with digital menuboards. Its is now just a "5 minutes job" to change the price and show updated menuboards to the customers.
  4. Cuts operating and maintenence cost.
  5. Ability to promote "Daily Specials" without the cost of printing a menuboards.
  6. With digital menu boards installed, employees can easily make changes and updates to the menus with little training required.
  7. Simple deployment. Just a TV screen with USB port and Pendrive. Digital signage hardware(with CMS) is optional.
  8. Ability to put beautiful pictures, logos, menu items etc.
  9. Preparing offers on the fly. This will help in upselling of menu items.
  10. Saving time and money in reprinting menus. Modifications on menuboards are just a matter of a few mouse clicks. Statics revealed that installing digital menuboards enhanced profits of major Pizzeria by 23%.

A cloud based digital menuboard development application is here: DSMenu Join us and be part of latest technology trend on Pizza business.