Digital menu board for coffee shop

For a restaurant to survive and thrive, a great menu design from the customer’s perspective is imperative. And as many of you QSR’s are burning the midnight oil on how to woo more customers, we at DSMenu can contribute  significantly since we can assist you in creating an exquisite menu board online that will integrate perfectly with digital signage technology. In other words, when you display your menu board on a digital screen you will fetch more customers, more sales and more profits for your business.

In this persuit for perfection, great menu board designs also do the following:

  • They decrease perceived waiting time of customers by at least 25%.
  • They make the ordering process more efficient by 20 mins to an hour: from tables to the kitchen.
  • 20% potential customers indulge in impulse purchases which enhances business by at least 25%.
Online menu board creation with DSMenu is most cost-effective

If you are currently using offline services for menu board creation, we offer you a much economical and aesthetically far superior tools for the job. We empower you to create your own menu board on our website. Or alternatively, we offer to create and design a menu board for you.

As a restaurateur, you would know that the quality of the food you serve is of prime essence, and a lot of thought and time must have gone into this. Hence, the menu display on a digital screen should reflect this level of detail,as well as be a visual representation of your theme, tone, and values as a restaurant.

Your menu board speaks for you. Would you want it slick and elegant ? Chic and sophisticated ? Or would you rather have it trendy and flamboyant with some finesse.

Facets And Dimensions For Digital Menu Board Design

This is with particular focus on your digital display of your menu board at Point-of-sale locations. As your business is dynamic, it is essential for you to discern the cardinal aspects of your menu board for maximum impact. After all, end of the day it is your sales that count. In this context we request you to focus on the following dimensions:

Know your customer for digital menu design

Know your customer

Your digital menu board, along with it’s marketing message must have a target audience which you can categorize in terms of age and income groups, demographics,social profile and psychographics. You may keep a questionnaire handy, as a feedback document, after they are done with their meals. The questionnaire could contain relevant information on their tastes and preferences, along with their contact numbers, email address and social media linkages. All these will assist you in profiling your customers.

Choose proper Menu Layout for your restaurant

Menu Layout

A very critical aspect, particularly when the display is on digital screen/menu board. It is estimated that 60% of your work in enticing the customer is done if your menu layout has adequate impact. You have to be sure how many precise items will be on the menu : how to layout the menu in a visually appealing way: which items to list first: the optimal ratio of food to drink items: why longer menu item descriptions sell more. We at DSMenu will provide you a vast array of template designs from where you can choose the most suitable layout for your digital menu board / screen, including the content.

Psychological Aspect of Menu listing for your restaurant

Psychological Aspect of Menu listing

This is interesting. Your menu is like a resume. Particularly when illuminated on a digital screen indoors or at the entrance. So, first impressions count. Experts have revealed that almost 75% customers see from the middle of the menu and then travel to the top right, and then their gaze travels top left. For each menu heads they see the first and last entries. Of course,if a particular menu item is highlighted in a box or in a picture frame, this obviously stands out. Here then, typefaces and font sizes are relevant. We at DSMenu can advise you the appropriate menu listing design based on your menu items.

Colorful brunch menu

Colors for influencing customer mood and choices

Colors evoke moods and emotions. This is undisputed. Studies have revealed that almost 90% of potential customers are influenced by colors. Orange is perceived to increase hunger while yellow and red are dynamic colors which many burgers, pizza and Mexican cuisines adopt. Delicious seafood items can be adorned in blue denoting the sea. Certain shades of blue also represents calm, poise and tranquility. Likewise, salads presented in green makes it look fresh. While creating/designing your menu board we at DSMenu can offer you a spectrum of mix and match of colors/styles to choose from.

Chalk menu or Blackboard menu for digital signage

Graphics and pictures

An appetizing visual in a menu adds to the creativity. That said, it is also true that too many graphics may spoil a menu board, make it seem like over-selling. For QSR’s, graphics most effective since just one large picture of a juicy burger can entice the entire town. On the other hand, graphics for fine dining or full-service restaurants can be made more creative with appropriate sizes and colors. We at DS menu can help you create your own graphics and playlists from our vast gallery of templates, or else, our expert graphic designers can do the needful for you.

A clear digital menu for a coffee bar

Menu Engineering (relating to prices)

This too is important and forms a part of menu design creativity. Prices of ‘decoy’ items ( items highly priced in order to entice customers on lesser price items) can be placed in a particular part of the board. Then also, discounts, up-sells, combos and other privileges can be presented accordingly. This is a part of menu listing and we can interface online and guide you on this, if need be. In a nutshell, we at DSMenu assist your restaurant business in creating/designing the most important aspect of your business- the menu board- which you can ideally display offline on a digital menu board/screen. We contribute value and aesthetics to your menu board which in-turn brings in more customers, more sales, and more profits to your business.

One thought on “Restaurant Menu Design

  • There are unlimited ways of designing a digital menu board. However, the requirements of one restaurant may differ from another. The restaurateur’s marketing message must have a target audience which can be categorized in terms of age and income groups, demographics, social profile and psycho-graphics. Another essential part is the business objectives in terms of sales, revenues and turn-over. Assuming that the business has earmarked a threshold income (per day/week/or month), then the menu items and offers need to be ascertained accordingly. Restaurants should have a judicious mix of premium and economy food items on offer for the customer.

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