
Dec 27, 2013

Not sure of using Digital Menuboards? - 12 facts to help in decision making.

  1. Centralized control of menuboard content: Multiple menuboards for multiple screens OR Multiple menuboards can be pre-made and stored in single location. This acts like a "Databank" of menuboards. Apart from that, content of multiple screens, at multiple location, can be controlled from a single location.
  2. Better pricing flexibility: Digital menuboards make price changing very easy. Based on the need prices of the menus can be altered there helping in up-selling or cross-selling.
  3. Cost effective way to change to change menu: Imagine the conventional printed menuboards. Changing menus use to be time consuming and cost intensive. Digital menuboards re-defined this process and now changing menus on digital menuboards are just a few clicks and key pressing away. 
  4. Order Accuracy: Digital menuboards helped in a way that the restaurant owner can take the exact picture of food item and put those on the menuboards. The customers can do the due deligence of the item that they ordered and the item that is put on their table. Helps a long way in trust building. 
  5. Fast: As restaurant owner, have anyone imagined getting a menuboard in less than 10 minutes? Cloud based application, such as Dsmenu, has made it possible. Just select a premade template, customize it and broadcast... Less than 10 minutes. Unbelievable?? Click here 
  6. SIMPLE: Using nice GUI and design practices, these menuboard editors are made really simple where it doesn't needs a computer whiz or design expert to intervene. Just follow the instructions and at the end you will get a menuboard. Why not Try it out
  7. Customer engagement: Beautiful texts formats, beautiful graphics, nice background colors, HD quality output etc. are just a few things that the restaurant owners are putting their efforts to engage the customers through menuboards.
  8. Fresh content: One of the main parameter to get customer attention is by showing fresh content everytime. With digital menuboard solutions, restaurant owners can change the menuboards at will. It is a very easy process for the restaurant owners to show fresh content every time.
  9. Customize graphics: Digital menuboards helps restaurant owners to take pictures of their food items and put those on the menuboards. This helps the customers to know what exactly they will get upon ordering a particular menu item. This helps them to cross check the food item, that they get on ordering, with the item that is desplayed on digital menuboard.
  10. Menu Up-sell: A combo package of a burger with French fries and cold beverage is exactly what a customer might be thinking while ordering. This helps the restaurant owners to sell more of cold beverage and french fries along with the "Burger" which otherwise would be difficult. Up selling food items becomes so easy with digital menuboards.
  11. Creating offers: A group of 5 friends were just waiting for a offer of getting 5 cups of espresso with cookies in $20 which otherwise would cost them $4/cup of espresso and $2 for a pack of cookies. These offers can be created on the fly and that is made possible by digital menuboards in less than 10 minutes.
  12. Sales tool: Digital menuboard hardware is a platform where the Apps are like actors. Like garnishing a food is important part of the food served, digital menuboards are important to convert a customer to sales. Digital menuboards Cloud based Apps., like DSmenu, will help the restaurant owners to create menuboards even when the customer is present inside the restaurant and in the process of ordering food.

At the crux - Digital menuboard is a global trend. There will be more enhancements in future on digital menuboards. So, this is the right time for the restaurant owners to be part of the global trend.