
Apr 26, 2014

A "Time Saving" solution for restaurant owners.

"Time is money". The true essence of these words reverberates in restaurant business. Studies shows that restaurant owners spends most of their time focusing on menus, customer service, quick order processing etc. As they focus more on these important business issues other smaller issues gets less attention and hence "opportunity lost" in the form of "Brand Building", "menu upselling" etc.

Apr 16, 2014

A "Revolutionary" way to design digital menuboards.

Cloud computing made its debut in food and restaurant industry in the form of Cloud based digital menuboard application which makes it a very "Revolutionary"idea. It has redefined the way digital menuboards are created for restaurants, considering that manual menuboards is meant for museum. Cloud based digital menuboard application based on enhanced SAAS business model is an emerging trend which more and more restaurants are adapting to. This article is to articulate the focus of these application. There are many utilities of such application but this article will focus on the follow 5 parameters: Quick Solution, Cost Effective, User friendliness, Platform Independence and Collaborative work.

Apr 11, 2014

What does a coffee shop needs?

Research found that 3 things sells the most in a coffee shop: Quick Offers so that a customer can quickly choose and order really FAST, Attractive graphics of the menus so that the customer feels like ordering and Coffee shop Ambiance.

Mar 1, 2014

Digital menuboard contribution in Pizza industry

There are 10 reasons why digital menuboards are used in Pizzeria:

  1. The electronic display boards can be placed behind your cash counter or anywhere else in a pizzeria to allow customers to view food items, services, and prices with this fun and engaging new system.
  2. Digital menuboards helps in quickly changing menu items as and when needed.
  3. Changing prices is made so easy with digital menuboards. Its is now just a "5 minutes job" to change the price and show updated menuboards to the customers.
  4. Cuts operating and maintenence cost.
Jan 13, 2014

New Technology Vs. Old practice

As a matter of reference in this article, New Technology is considered as Digital Signage solution in restaurant business. Old practice is considered as the primitive way of using board or papers for menuboards display. While comparing New Technology with the Old practice, there are 2 vital parameters for comparison: Cost and Easiness to use.

Jan 7, 2014

Addressing the 5 questions that the restaurant owners ask.

Just some days back a market research is done by a leading managment consulting firm on restaurant business. The 20 member team covered 370 restaurant business from across 28 countries from different continents. Apart from researching on the "food habits based on geo location", The team also found a demand of technology solution to some of the restaurant owner's requriements.

Dec 9, 2013

Digital menu boards offer more than just prices... It "adds value"

Digital menu boards are for more than just putting beautiful pictures of food items and its costs. The dynamic nature of digital signage menu boards opens up a varied menu of capabilities that can provide ambiance and improve the bottom line. Content is what makes the digital market "Unique". It adds more than just to put menu items and cost. It can contribute more towards Promotion, merchandizing, and entertainment in some form. The biggest trait of digital content is that it can engage the customer/s.

Dec 9, 2013

Digital signage menuboard design - An emerging trend, worldwide...

Digital signage menuboard took the centrestage in the restaurant promotions, be it Pizza shop, food court or any other dining estalishment. Even Sports bar, beverage joints are not untouched from this growing global trend. Digital signage screen gives a very smart, stylish and polished look to the menuboards thereby engaging the customers. To add more spice to this, there are Apps now which will allow menuboard designs SIMPLE and FAST !!.

Nov 6, 2013

A simple App for digital signage menuboard design.

What is the feasibility of an App which will allow restaurant owners to design their menuboard online, independently.

How is the market demand for such an App which will help in online digital signage menuboard design. Will wait for the views.